Friday, January 23, 2009

Can You Judge a Book By It's Cover?

I'm not sure we have the answer to that, but we do know that you can judge or evaluate a financial advisory firm by the information and books that they read, or do not read. We value the importance of continually learning from prior financial history and the lessons that can be learned from reading other experts and certain journalists.

Books that we've read (and recommend):
Snowball, Warren Buffet's biography, by Alice Schroeder (Excellent background on his life)
Panic, by Michael Lewis, a collection of essays on financial crisis from the 1980s to now
A Demon of Our Own Design, by Richard Bookstaber
Investment Policy, Charles Ellis
Buffet: The Making of an American Capitalist, written in 1990s, Roger Lowenstein
When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management, Roger Lowenstein
A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Burton Malkiel
Four Pillars of Investing and other books by William J. Bernstein
books by Larry Swedroe, Director of Research, BAM Advisor Services

I will post more to this list in the future. Many of the books that I read before we formed this firm were instrumental in developing our investment philosophy.

Daily or Periodic Reading
The Wall Street Journal (in print and electronically), daily, since high school
The New York Times, electronically
Nick Murray Interactive (online advisor's newsletter)
Information and commentary provided by BAM Advisor Services and Dimensional Fund
Financial Journals: Investment News, Financial Advisor, Investment Advisor
Leimberg Services, an online subscription service which provides tax and estate planning updates
Some of our favorite journalists: Jason Zweig (WSJ), Roger Lowenstein (NY Times and others), Floyd Norris and Joe Nocera (NY Times)
Atlantic Monthly (now emailed monthly to my Kindle)