Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gadgets and Things

I thought I would write about something different...the technology that I use and my firm uses. If you have any questions or would like more information about any of the following, let me know.

I would be the last person someone would have described as a techie a few years ago, but am now incorporating many different types of technology in many business and personal parts of my life.

Amazon Kindle: This is an electronic book reader, and more. With this device, almost any book can be instantly downloaded electronically to the reader, anywhere in the country. It eliminates carrying many books on trips and you can always have something to read with you (was a great way to read the Buffet biography, which was 1,000 pages plus). I also use this to read trade magazine articles. My office emails selected articles directly to the Kindle, so that they can be read whenever I want to. Books can be sampled, so I can read a chapter or two to learn what the general concept of what an author is saying (great to learn Tom Friedman's latest thinking). Magazines are also available. I currently subscribe to Atlantic Monthly and Newsweek for a fraction of the print versions.

IPhone: I have to give credit to my son for encouraging me to get this phenomenal device. It is so much more than a phone and Ipod. I download podcasts of many types; news and interviews, Leimberg Services (tax, financial and estate planning updates), technology updates and more.

A big hit for the Iphone are the "apps" which are available. I'm not much of a gamer. My apps include Toodledo (tasks, to do list management), Ifitness (workout information, data collection, design your own exercise program), and Grocery IQ (learned about this from a recent NY Times article and it is amazing!). Amazon's website can be accessed and my Kindle can be read from the Iphone.

Voice Dictation Software: In the office, I use "Dragon Naturally Speaking" to "write" letters, emails and sometimes, these posts. It is an incredible time-saver and the technology seems to be steadily improving, meaning the program is able to more accurately type what I'm saying. If you "write" a lot, you may find this very valuable.